Mesh Voxelizer in C#
Author: Adok A mesh voxelizer is an algorithm that converts arbitrary three-dimensional objects, usually specified as polygons, into voxels (vector objects), that is a collection of small rectangular objects. Such an algorithm is sometimes needed for processing and visualizing 3D objects. Some theoretical background on how a mesh voxelizer works is provided by the paper "An Accurate Method for Voxelizing Polygon Meshes" . In this article I would like to present you my solution in C#. My solution uses a simple data structure called Vert that can be defined as: public class Vert { public double x, y, z; } Moreover, it uses Verts, which is a list of elements of the Vert data type: using Verts = System.Collections.Generic.List<Vert>; The core of the mesh voxelizer is the following method: public bool IsVoxelOnFace(double[] vc, double L, double...